Fat Tuesday, Pancake Day, Mardi Gras Activities for Families

Mardi Gras, (Fat Tuesday, Pancake Day) anticipates Ash Wednesday and Lent. Although used synonymously with the Carnival ("farewell to the flesh") celebration, Mardi Gras is one day. It is also called "Shrove Tuesday." "Shrove" or "shriven" means to be purged. Here are activities for Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent.
Mardi Gras is the last day of ordinary time before Lent, the 40-day spiritual pilgrimage that follows Christ on his journey through the desert and temptation by Satan. As Jesus was tested and tempted and fasted, Catholics are called to refrain from self-centered practices. The principal virtues of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. At Ash Wednesday Mass, the first religious event of Lent, the faithful are marked with ashes and told to "turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel."  Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent Activities